
Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine's Day Ideas

Why not try something new this year with your sweetie? Do something active first and then join in for some yummy treats at a local restaurant.

February 9 - E.P. Tom Sawyer is offering a Sweethearts Hike for $5 a couple.

My other half and I taking a trapeze class.
February 10 - Deadline to sign-up for Jefferson Memorial Forest's Valentine's Day Romantic Retreat for either Feb. 14 or Feb. 15. It is a candlelit hike to Manor House to sit by a fire and enjoy hot beverages and desserts provided by local bakeries.

Feb. 12 - Be My Valentine's Run - Derby City Running Club - fun chance to see what this social running club is all about

 February 14 - Partner Yoga - Shine - $20/couple -  Bring anyone you’d like to gain a deeper connection with; partner, friend, sibling, roommate..etc! Practice is accessible for all levels (including beginner yogis and those men who think they are ‘not’ flexible)

Friday, Feb. 14 - Dancing - Take a beginning dance class together and then stay for the 1950s Sweetheart Dance with Bravo Dance Studio.

Why not try ice skating, rock climbing, or MegaQuest get 2-3 other couples and give Trapeze a try by scheduling class with Clayton.
Louisville Health and Wellness Magazine recently published an article on Benefits of Exercising A Couple if you need even more reasons to be active this Valentine's Day with your significant other.

Whatever you decide to do, just create some fun memories with one another and have a great Valentine's Day!


  1. These are really fun ideas! I didn't know that two of the parks did Valentine's hikes, that is pretty cool!

  2. Thanks! Hope you are able to enjoy some of them.

  3. Awesome ideas! Thank you for sharing the Partner Yoga class…can't wait to create a fun, trusting, exploration with students!

  4. You're welcome! Thanks for offering an unique and affordable class on Valentine's! Can't make it on the 14th, but will keep my eyes out for future classes!
