
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

No Time to Work Out!

 "No Time" is probably the most used  excuse not to exercise. Gina DeMillo Wagner has 25 great tips in her article from Experience Life, March 2011 on how to eliminate this excuse. Below are 3 of these tips and how to be active (and have fun) with others locally.

  • "Be a hot date" - whether it is your first date or for a date for wife/husband. 
Wagner writes, "Dinner and a movie is so cliché, says Shannon Hammer, motivational speaker and author of The Positive Portions Food & Fitness Journal (Fairview Press, 2010). What if, instead, you took your date/partner/love-interest to a cycling class or a ballroom dance lesson, went on a hike or a picnic, or kicked a soccer ball around the park? Bonus: Research shows that shared activity builds attraction."
  • "Do brisk business" - whether with co-workers, clients, potential employee
Wagner explains, "Chances are, many of your coworkers are in the same boat as you: They want to exercise, but have trouble finding the time. So, what if you move the weekly progress update or brainstorm session to the sidewalk, or stand during meetings? Can your group hike to the coffee shop rather than order in? Can you woo a new client over a tennis match instead of dinner? The fresh air and endorphins will spark more creative ideas, Hammer says."
  •  "Socialize on the move" - whether with one friend or a group of friends
Wagner suggests, "Next time a friend suggests meeting for lunch, dinner or drinks, counter with an active invitation. How about joining you for a yoga class or a quick walk around the lake? Instead of spending time on the phone or emailing back and forth, suggest that you catch up on the latest news over a leisurely bike ride, or bond by trying an athletic pursuit, like indoor climbing, that neither of you has ever tried."
There is a term for all of this - sweat-working. Wikipedia defines it as "business networking while taking physical exercise and so working up a sweat." Yes, there is not much time to talk, but a bond is formed.
This can be applied to all our relationships - from friends to our sweethearts. I think sweatworking is a fantastic idea! Bonus - you get facetime with each other instead of online, through the phone time! One of my best friends lives in St. Louis. We only see each other 1-2x per year, but we make those times memorable. The last two times we have gotten together, she ran her first 5k - The Color Run (while it was my first race in St. Louis), and then we took a trapeze class together - definitely great memories spent together.

So, grab your boyfriend, wife, friend, mom's group, co-workers, new customer and start some sweat-bonding.
Here are some ideas you can do locally - not even close to an exhaustive list! Be creative and find something fun.


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